With the exception of Incomplete (I) and No Record (NR) grades, grade changes may be submitted by faculty at any time on the basis of clerical
or procedural error in the assignment of the original grade per the following Academic Senate policies:
Regulation A345 (C)
All grades except Incomplete are final when filed by an instructor in end-of-quarter course reports. However, the correction
of a clerical or procedural error may be authorized as the Division directs. (See IR A365.) No change of grade may be made on the
basis of reassessment of the quality of a student's work. No term grade except Incomplete may be revised by reexamination except
as provided in IR A365.
A365 (A.1)
(1) Clerical or Procedural Error—the Registrar is authorized to change a final grade upon written request of an instructor provided
a clerical or procedural error is the reason for the change.
How to Submit a Request
- Access WebGrades for the term and course.
- Click Request Post-Quarter Grade Changes.
- Locate student and assign the new grade.
- Click Submit Grade Changes into Approval Process.
- Provide a concise description of the error(s) necessitating the change request.
- Click Submit Request or cancel and return to WebGrades.
Submitted requests will be forwarded to the school offering the course, Summer Session (if applicable), and the Registrar's Office.
The request may be denied any of these offices and/or returned to the previous approval point for further explanation.
Change requests resulting from coursework submitted after the Senate-approved deadlines to replace Incomplete and No Record
grades will not be accepted. Please refer to regulation A345
for complete information on these grade types.